InStove Collaboration Brings Zambian Ambassador, Cottage Grove Mayor, Together
by Desmond O'Boyle
InStove, which produces and develops cleaner cooking technologies, is drawing international figures to Cottage Grove. This Week, Zambian Ambassador, His Excellency Palan Mulonda met with researchers, and government officials, including Cottage Grove Mayor Thomas Munroe.
The purpose of Ambassador Mulonda’s visit was to learn about InStove’s humanitarian technologies, and future collaborations. Zambia is currently building a factory to construct energy efficient and healthier cook stoves. Part of the Ambassador’s visit included integration of improved water purification systems, both using InStove’s designs. Mulonda said many forests in Zambia are in danger of being over-logged.
Mulonda: “Many rural dwellers, if not all, rely on firewood and charcoal for their household energy supplies. The pressure on this resource is high everywhere. And so, when we see an initiative that mitigates the over-exploitation of the resource we are trying to sustainably use, we get excited.”