Government Sets Priority Policy Objectives, Intensifies Tapping into Diaspora Potential

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Zambia’s ambassador to the US, Lazarous Kapambwe, and embassy staff participate in a Diaspora Clinic video conference with other Zambian missions on 9 September 2020

Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Ambassador Chalwe Lombe



Washington D.C., Thursday, 10 September 2020 — Government has set into motion enhanced action on implementation of the diaspora policy in order to expand and realize the enormous potential that Zambians abroad have.

Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Ambassador Chalwe Lombe says the greater contribution of Zambians living in other countries can make a huge impact on Zambia’s development, hence the need to accelerate implementation.

Ambassador Lombe reiterated that government recognized the major socio-economic benefits that can be realized from the diaspora.

Ambassador Lombe said against a background of creating a conducive environment for Zambians living abroad, the government had targeted aggressive engagement of the Zambian diaspora to expand implementation of the policy. In that light, six (6) out of the 13 major objectives of the policy which was launched in April 2019 were identified for urgent implementation. The six include enhancing diaspora remittances to Zambia, easing access to national documents, establishment of Diaspora Focal Point Desks, knowledge and skills transfer in the diaspora community, setting up of a comprehensive online portal and database as a marketplace for the diaspora as well as establishment of dedicated communication tools through WhatsApp and email.

Focal Point desks to specifically deal with diaspora matters would be operationalized at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs while all Zambian missions abroad would follow suit and have dedicated staff to diligently deal with diaspora matters.

The enhanced implementation of the policy is set to maximize the potential economic and social benefits from the diaspora.

Ambassador Lombe was speaking during a Diaspora Clinic with staff of Zambians abroad in the Americas on Wednesday during which he urged them to positively pursue engagement of all Zambians abroad.

“The Information portal is coming online soon; that is a market place where the diaspora can engage and even ask questions on all matters affecting them,” Ambassador Lombe said adding that Focal Point Desks would be launched over the coming weeks with dedicated WhatsApp numbers and email addresses for prompt engagement with the diaspora.

According to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG), remittances sent by migrants to their families are fundamental for governments, international organizations and other partners in realizing their sustainable development objectives.

Zambia’s Ambassador to the United States Lazarous Kapambwe and staff at the Mission in Washington were joined in the meeting by Zambian missions in New York led by Zambia’s UN envoy Ambassador Ngosa Simbyakula, the Canadian High Commission Canada and Ambassador Alfreda Kansembe and the Mission in Brazil.

Issued by:

Eric Mwanza
First Secretary – Press & Public Relations
Embassy of the Republic of Zambia
Washington D.C.

More information:
Phone: +1 202 674-6531
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @ZambiainUSA

Approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs