News & Announcements

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Haitian president calls for partnership between Zambia and Haiti

March 17, 2014 - Haitian President Mr. Michel Joseph Martelly has called on Zambia to partner with his country as the two countries share a common heritage and have a lot in common especially in so far as the agriculture and textile industries are concerned.

Mon, Mar 17, 2014

U.S Government congratulates Zambia

U.S Secretary of State Michael Pompeo has congratulated the people of Zambia on the country's 54th independence anniversary. Mr Pompeo has also hailed the bilateral relations between the U.S and Zambia.

Wed, Oct 24, 2018

The African Diaspora Marketplace III Business Plan Competition Application Is Now Live!

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Western Union have launched the third round of the African Diaspora Marketplace business plan competition (ADM III). Successful ADM III applicants...

Sun, Jan 11, 2015

President Hichilema Participates in Discussion Led by U.S. Institute of Peace CEO, Lise Grande

Washington D.C., Thursday, 23 September 2021 – President Hichilema took part in a discussion led by the Chief Executive Officer of the United States of America Institute of Peace, Ambassador Lise Grande.

Thu, Sep 23, 2021

President Trump Calls Calls for Deepening of Strong Friendship Between Zambia and the United States

Washington D.C., Friday, 10 April 2020 – US President Donald Trump has expressed his Government’s desire to deepen the “strong and abiding friendship” between Zambia and the United States of America.

Fri, Apr 10, 2020

A Zambian Student Joins Tell Em’ Team To Create A Social Media App

A Zambian student studying at Wiley College, in the U.S., has joined a team building a new mobile application for the iPhone - Android called Tell Em'. Michael Sakala, 25 together with Wiley College graduate Felix Ekwueme, 25 (founder), officially launched a new mobile application that aims to get users out in the world, sharing memorable experiences with family and friends.

Tue, Oct 31, 2017
